Sunday, May 27, 2012

In the teeming crowd

In the midst of a teeming crowd
some curl their heads toward warm feathers,
seemingly oblivious to their world.

A grizzled old man and a very sad young man
sit on a nearby street each day, kind of like birds,
part of the scene, yet tucked away.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


That sudden turn:
to catch a partly heard conversation,
perhaps startled by a sudden breeze.
I cannot decide: lack of focus
or responding to the moment?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Staying in the moment

Quietly sitting in the warm Spring sun
waiting for nothing I can name.

A slight breeze through the blooming
tomato plants: contemplating a harvest. 

And, then a tiny visitor brings the moment,
now, and it is simply perfect.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Touched by a butterfly

The touch of a butterfly
on a child’s finger.
So evanescent,
yet filled with strength and trust.

Many things complicate life,
when we are neither child nor butterfly.
Too often fear and knowledge
overcome the gentle moment.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Protea in California

Immigrant days:
feeling I don’t belong,
forgetting that
great beauty
is often alien.

Unlike the god Proteus
who changed at will,
I cling to a vanished
personal form,
yet knowing
that we are all transplants 
who must adapt.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday phone call

Seems so odd, what we remember.

With such a vast store of memories,
I miss the Sunday call, 
very long-distance,
with my Mom. 
The last one ─
about eighteen years ago.

Usually, we talked about weather or
breakfast, or what she had seen on t.v.  
Sometimes we would talk wildflowers:
a great love learned from her Mom.

Seems so odd, what we remember.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A village up-rooted

The neighborhood bee-keeper’s hives
swarm out of fear or dislocation,
seek a safe haven.  
A frantic search: 
much like life
every day
in war-torn countries 
every where.