Monday, November 26, 2012

How the light gets in

This lovely poem just suddenly appeared
on the now empty vegetable planter,
sidewalk-side of a wonderfully diverse
elementary school in my neighborhood.
Must be some wise and beautiful kids
coming up in this world!

From Leonard Cohen's Anthem

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A modern Thanksgiving

A belated Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Oh, how times have changed.
It wasn’t so long ago that even a phone call
to bring everyone to the holiday feast
was kind of suspect….a note more proper.
Hope your day of thanks was technologically
correct and everyone found their place at the table.

Everyone...yes, everyone, family and friends, at our feast had an IPhone!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Contemplating trolls

I am not a collector,
well maybe have too many books.
But, I can barely grasp keeping
troll dolls locked in cabinet ▬
even more distorted by the beveled glass.
Isn’t it wonderful that we are all so different?