Monday, October 20, 2014

making a statement

Our neighborhood has been transformed in so many ways….Google Buses delivering techies to and from work in Silicon Valley, new restaurants opening like mushrooms after a rain, clothing shops that are so high-end that looking at prices is heart stopping. But, in the midst of it all, a former appliance repair shop has opened as a flower shop. Really basic and just sort of cleaned out the former junk. But, the new proprietor was busily painting this marvelous depiction of flowers on the street yesterday during our summer street festival, which is called City Streets. For one day, all traffic is removed and the street is open to bikes and kids and dogs and all manner of street performers. This fine new addition to our local business certainly made a statement. Brava!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

each moment a new perspective

October brings the hint of winter, the joy of autumn and still gives reminders of summer. Summer so often in San Francisco brings fog and each moment in fog seems to have a new perspective. On relentlessly sunny days I don’t seem to have the varied experiences that a cloudy one can bring. For me, the layers of awareness, of mood, of hopes and dreams are needed, as is a more one-dimensional sunny outlook. The changing seasons, the changes in life and the hope of the future all seem to align in autumn. Preparation for winter? Consolidation of the summer growth? 

This photo is of autumn fog, not summer. Seems to be more dense and a bit darker.