Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Small Stone: January 28, 2014

On one of the busiest streets in San Francisco, I heard an incredible screech behind me. I felt a rush of excitement as an image flew past my shoulder. I felt the draft of the huge black wings. The cawing was from an enormous raven claiming territory. With impunity, the bird sat on the fence and walked on the sidewalk with an absolute sense of ownership. The urbanization of nature showed itself in full force.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Small Stone: January 27, 2014

I am pulled toward the murals of the Mission neighborhood. They are colorful, often make a cultural or political statement, and are simply a joy to me. Sometimes, though, I must admit to being mystified. This mural is on the side of a church parking garage. The opener for the garage door is rather strategically placed in this depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus. Not sure if it is meant to be humorous or not.

Small Stone: January 26, 2014

Part of the wonderful mural on the Women's Building.

My meditation group meets every two weeks for reading, discussion and meditation. Fortunately, we have been doing this for more than 20 years. Our teacher, Eknath Easwaran, focused on discovering the unity of all life as the central reason for a spiritual practice. A woman in our group shared today that her negative self image, incurred by constant mental abuse as a child, changed when she realized that all life is equally valuable. She is a successful author, works with people struggling with language problems and has a beautiful smile! I think of the Mindful Writing Challenge as leading to that unity….we have to observe and participate in our world daily. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Small Stone: January 25, 2014

I posted about the little parklets earlier this week. Today, as I went by there was a concert….well, of sorts. Everyone seemed to be having a great time: the dancing man on the left, the dog on the steps and the babies observing. The oompah pah guy just put his horn down for a moment…guess you get to have a break when you are the entire horn section. Ah, summer in San Francisco. Except, it is winter!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Small Stone: January 24, 2014

An artist’s collective here in the Mission has two store-front windows that are given over each month to local artists to display their work, create an installation or make a statement. The Author Is, actually reads The Author Is Out ─ I did not aim the camera well. But, I rather like “is”. We get to see the work table, copies of the most recent book and we can guess what the author might be like from the other objects. Actually, that is an incomprehensibly tidy desk! This author, me, has never had such a neat space.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Small Stone; January 23, 2014

The photo has nothing to do with the post. Just a cute thing I saw at a neighbor's sidewalk sale.

After a visit to the Dr.’s office, I was waiting for a prescription in the on-site pharmacy. The building also has the pediatric clinic. A tiny girl, maybe 3 or 4, at most, was telling her mother what the pediatrician’s instructions were about care for her ailment. “He said that we should have every kind of ice cream. But, chocolate will be enough.” Indeed, chocolate will be enough!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Small Stone: January 22, 2014

So often people write or talk about urban isolation and separateness. I find a lot of smiles and interactions on the street, in shops and in nature, as it appears in my City. We have a small phenomenon of parklets in San Francisco. A business or resident takes over a parking space and makes a public park space for all to enjoy. That seems to me the antithesis of separate. The photos above are from a delightful parklet in front of a Victorian home on a busy nearby street. It is fun, it is bright and it is friendly. Here is a link: http://deeplet.org/