Sunday, February 23, 2014

what is asked

Times can be difficult for family and friends and just how to be there for them is sometimes unclear. To respond to what is asked, or to try to provide what seems to be needed is a dilemma. I think my resolution needs to be to give what is asked.

The daily message today from my dear, departed teacher is uplifting. I have been using his transcriptions of the great spiritual classics each day for two decades. This thought is from St. Francis de Sales:
Do not look with fear
On the changes and chances of this life
Do not anticipate what will happen tomorrow

Be at peace, then, and put aside all anx­ious thoughts
And imaginations.

Today’s photo is of a magnificent magnolia in our arboretum….up very close.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gung Hay Fat Choy

“Best wishes and Congratulations. Have a prosperous and good year."

One of the largest of our public celebrations in San Francisco is the annual Chinese New Year parade. Hundreds of thousands of people turn out to line the streets and cheer the marching children, shriek in mock-amazement at the lion dancers and dragons, and simply have a great time. Usually, because it comes in the midst of our rainy season, it is a bit damp. This year we had only sprinkles and it was not enough to dampen the firecrackers, or spirit.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

a plan to do better

I am surprised at a sense of let-down after the daily observations in the January mindfulness exercise. Finding a new event, photographing and commenting was a focus of each day. Quite frankly, it is difficult for me to do. I had intended to go back to weekly observations, but missed the first week. The discipline of a blog is important to me. So, today I am just pulling up a reflection photo that I love, making this mea culpa and plan to do better.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Small Stone: January 31, 2014

As we come to the end of the third Mindful Writing Challenge, it is appropriate to celebrate all of those who made a mindful effort to see their world, to interact with the people and environment and to share it with us. I am aware again of how difficult it is to make a purposeful observation each day. The way that time gets so fragmented is apparent to me, and with that fragmentation goes my focus. I always learn more about myself than I do about my world. And, I gain so much from the comments of friends I have developed here from around the world. Thank you and godspeed in the year ahead. I will continue to post at least weekly, but cannot commit to daily. Perhaps we will all meet here again next year. Today’s photo is a glorious burst of Spring at a local vendor…seems just right to close out this incredible month.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Small Stone: January 30, 2014

My neighborhood’s first farmer’s market of the New Year. Not too many vendors yet, but one woman had her flowers, her knitting and was bundled up against the chill. Even in abnormally sunny San Francisco where we have not had winter, it may be a bit early for outdoor shopping.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Small Stone: January 29, 2014

Tonight, we may have the first significant rain since early December. The clouds are deep, there is mist on the trees and surfaces. Hopefully, we will see a turn from sere to beginning green in the days ahead. People are talking about the difficulty in cutting water consumption by 20%. Nature has already taken a much greater hit. What will our environment look like at the end of this drought? (Update: .03" of rain. Most of the storm went north and to the Sierra, so at least there is some snow out of it. Driest January ever on record for SF!)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Small Stone: January 28, 2014

On one of the busiest streets in San Francisco, I heard an incredible screech behind me. I felt a rush of excitement as an image flew past my shoulder. I felt the draft of the huge black wings. The cawing was from an enormous raven claiming territory. With impunity, the bird sat on the fence and walked on the sidewalk with an absolute sense of ownership. The urbanization of nature showed itself in full force.