Saturday, April 13, 2013

just one seed

The miracles of Spring on the smallest scale have been very much in my thoughts the last few days. Perhaps because life on a larger scale has been difficult to hold: friends and family dealing with major health issues, the daily news overwhelmed by negative/violent stories, the utter dysfunction at the political level.

What an astonishing thing it is for one seed….just one seed…. to burst forth in its cycle of birth/rebirth.  That is what I am given to hold today. The other thoughts are really irrelevant when the miracle of being bursts in! Digging around in my little garden area this morning and visited by three butterflies…two monarchs and a wood nymph, I think. Without a camera that would catch them at a distance, so I am attaching a tiny, wild Lupine that I discovered in a nature preserve in the Sacramento delta….just because it seems right today.


  1. I always find solace in the tiny miracles. The other more worldly concerns are too tension-producing. The news of a seed sprouting is more uplifting that any other news I've heard today. Your photo reminds me that in a month or so I'll have a bit of purple in my own yard. Bob and our sons are coming to CA for the Tour of CA bike race. The'll spend a long weekend in Pleasantville and San Fran. I'll be in AZ with friends.

  2. I am continually amazed by the news of the day that seeds into flowers bring us. So much beauty in springtime when seeds of hope finally burst into flower.

    Your post and beautiful photograph certainly reflect the good news of the day. It reminds me that we don't need to get bogged down in the negativity our daily news media delivers when we have the natural world to inform us about what's really important. Thank you.

  3. Thank you, Barb and Cynthia for sharing the hope of small miracles. Spring is everywhere in my area now and somehow the dark side of the news is just not that important for me. I need rejuvenation, not negativity!
