Sunday, December 29, 2013

not a time of endings

The frenetic activity of the holidays has no place in the natural order here in the wintered west. The weak light is deeply slanted from the south. Most deciduous trees have shed their leaves and are resting. A range of migratory birds still find the occasional spider or a conifer bursting with seeds awaiting harvest or dispersal. And, the long nights and crisp days encourage a gentle sense of hibernation. The world around me is at rest, gathering silent strength for rejuvenation. Winter is not necessarily a time of endings. Like the conifer, it gives us seeds awaiting spring.


  1. What a lovely bit of writing, Duff. Quiet in my neighborhood, but the town and ski mountain are bustling. Happy 2014!

    1. Happy New Year to you up there on the mountain. Amazingly, the post Christmas time in my neighborhood is very quiet, too. Lots of folks traveling, hibernating or just not out and around.

  2. you always paint a lovely picture with your words, - your seasonal comments are right on….maybe it's the in between-ness that makes us restless…
    Carry on!

  3. A beautiful meditation to carry us into the new year. And, as ever, thank you for all of your lovely insights during the year past. They are deeply appreciated.
