Tuesday, March 4, 2014

the very sigh that silence heaves

An then there crept a little noiseless noise among the leaves,
          Born of the very sigh that silence heaves.
                                                  John Keats

It is a time of great uncertainty for several who are close to me, or have been significant parts of my life. Clearly times of ending and closure.

On a walk through a tranquil park in my neighborhood, I saw this magnificent flower, spotted with drops of fresh rain. I was brought out of worry and into the presence of great beauty and peace. Presence in the moment, and sense of peace: I pray that I can bring it to those who need it, or want it.


  1. ah my friend, that's lovely - picture and thought. How nice that we can all share it, - so keep blogging!

  2. I like your focus both in the photo and in your words. I see you've received some rain - good news.
