Sunday, January 5, 2014

Small Stone: January 5, 2014

The weather here remains unseasonably warm and dry. I spent sometime in my little winter garden pruning back, watering and just enjoying the morning sun. On a walk through nearby Dolores Park, people were firing up barbeques, playing Frisbee and just lounging in the sun. Strangely, both of these things brought on feelings of un-ease and even a little bit of guilt at enjoying the day. Both the environment and our economy need actual winter to prosper. Makes me aware of how guilt was always at the edge of pleasure in my upbringing. Monday will be warm and sunny again, and probably tinged with that familiar feeling. And, looking back at previous year's postings here....there is a similar January picture. Ah, how things don't change.

1 comment:

  1. Do we need "winter" to prosper? I know I love and want literal winter to feel most satisfied, but I'm asking in a metaphorical sense. I don't know why, but I rarely experience guilt. I learned conscience as a child and self-responsiblility but was rarely made to feel guilty. I think I have empathy, but I hold it separate from my own inner pleasure. You bring up interesting questions, Duff, for which I have no answers. (Send a bit of that warmth my way!)
