Monday, January 6, 2014

Small Stone: January 6, 2014

A consortium of nonprofits in San Francisco has started providing mobile showers and toilet facilities in specially refurbished/decommissioned buses from SF MUNI for homeless people around the City. The “comfort vans” are run by a group called Lava Mae (coined from the Spanish lavame--“wash me”). They take the buses to where the homeless people actually are located...the folks don't have to come to a facility.

 As part of their civic awareness to help with crowdfunding online for the project, they recently had an artists contest to come up with outrageous art that would call attention to the project. This is one of three toilets that artists re-imagined. This one is called "comfurt". It caused me to laugh when I saw them today at the Women’s Building. And then, thinking about what life would be like without a shower or a private toilet made the smile go away. A great project.


  1. love it ! nice and comfy. where can I get one?

  2. Wow. What a wonderful and extremely thoughtful idea! The simple things in life that we take for granted. Practice gratitude daily and find JOY in the simple things. Thanks for sharing, Duff. Aloha and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you.

  3. I'd be interested learning how this project succeeds. I wonder if showers/toilets are of great importance to the homeless? I think of food/basic shelter as being more necessary. Cleanliness./body functions might be somewhere lower on the list. Hope you'll give us an update. The art project is certainly an attention getter!
