Friday, August 29, 2014

a matter of perspective

Life seems overwhelming sometimes. And, I have learned through the years that it is usually a matter of perspective. I was deep into my own thoughts and concerns today, not focusing well on what needs to be done, only ruminating on what likely cannot be done and what should never even be considered. I needed to find some healthful vegetable for dinner and walked to a nearby Latin grocer. As I came around the corner, I saw for the second time in two days an elderly man going to do his shopping. He is in a wheelchair and is blind. He uses his red-tipped cane to gauge how close his wheelchair is to buildings, cars and the curbs. He was smiling. I was not. My dreary outlook had no element of the courage this man exhibits in just doing his daily outing. It is a matter of perspective, as I am sure that he did not see tapping his way along the street as a matter of heroic effort. I did.

This photo is just of beauty. I need that today and the rain drops on this rose are simple beauty.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Joan. Truth comes in such unexpected ways!

  2. I am so often lost in my own perspective and need a reminder such as the one you got to snap out of it and appreciate what I've been given. Let's try not to do this (my downfall) "only ruminating on what likely cannot be done and what should never even be considered." PS I hope you found the healthy vegetable!

    1. Barb, I would bet a lifetime of "ruminating" won't be overcome easily....but, what a gift that we can appreciate the wonders all around us...."what I've been given". Oh, I did find great vegetables and some end of season peaches that were just superb--and healthful.

  3. Snap back to reality for me today :) Thanks for that! xo

    1. Glad to be part of snapping back. Thanks for your comments and the kiss at the end. Miss you!
