Friday, August 15, 2014

without serenity

It has been nearly 2 weeks since I posted. Lots of busyness and a lot lethargy. Then, that dreaded computer crash and the hours of each day seemed to change. The simple awareness of how much technology has come to be a participant in my life, outlook and even self-esteem has been a true wake up call. I have one techie friend who takes “technology breaks” and won’t look at email, surf the web or use his phone for anything other than necessary phone calls for a pre-determined time. It is intentional on his part. My break was forced and I did not deal with it in serenity or even with pleasure. I am going to contemplate when and how those placid interruptions need to come into my life.

The photo: The grip of the metal on metal seems to be much like where life has been for awhile. But, behind it is an amazing blue sky....with just a hint of clouds to let me know the day is probably cool, as our summers here tend to be. And, I love that!


  1. As you know, I intentionally go on blog breaks and don't spend much time on the computer for even weeks at a time. However, that is by choice. If any of my tech stuff quits when I haven't made the decision, I'm beside myself! I am such a solitary person by nature, and yet I find myself drawn to the "connections" I make via the Internet. I actually miss people I've never even met face to face. It's all so strange, isn't it? Thanks for the photo explanation. I would not have thought of you as "metal on metal" person, Duff.

    1. A friend and I were talking just this week about how much we connect through cyberspace with both old and new friends....many who are connected only through blogs and emails and social media groups. I am aware that I have developed fewer in person friendships as the years have gone along. Life just seems so busy that it is often not possible to actual spend in person time with folks. I treasure my internet friendships and look forward to the contact and connections.
