Sunday, January 29, 2012

Small stone: January 29, 2012

A raven pair soaring
and swooping nearby hills and park
for much of the winter. Today,
an escort of several juveniles:
an unkindness of ravens


  1. The first nestlings already? You must have had a mild winter there. Are you alluding to the Ruth Rendell's crime novel, An Unkindness of Ravens? We normally don't get them here at the house which is above 10,000' - however, I find them unkind of a few do explore up this far!

  2. Not sure if they were nestlings. I guess I was just looking for an opportunity to use "unkindness of ravens"...the term for a group of ravens. I can barely breathe anymore at 10,000'...maybe the ravens have the same issue. ;-)
