Saturday, December 29, 2012

The world turns green

It seems almost cruel
to show such splendid days
when cold and snow is blasting
across the continent.
But, this is our reality.
The rains come, the world
turns green and the palms
glory in the late afternoon sun.
Hmmm. Winter?


  1. nice to have you back on the page!
    and enjoying our surroundings. So much to be grateful for!
    thanks for enjoying it!

  2. Duff, I'm trying to figure out where you took this pic? Sausalito? You are right about the cold blasting us here in the mts of CO - but we could use more snow. Happy New Year, Duff.

    1. Barb, hope that winter is not to stressful...and that you have lots of snow. The picture is just a block from my house in San Francisco. It is up the hill in Dolores Park...right in the center of the City. Happy New Year to you...look forward to your re-emergence in the month ahead.
