Sunday, February 23, 2014

what is asked

Times can be difficult for family and friends and just how to be there for them is sometimes unclear. To respond to what is asked, or to try to provide what seems to be needed is a dilemma. I think my resolution needs to be to give what is asked.

The daily message today from my dear, departed teacher is uplifting. I have been using his transcriptions of the great spiritual classics each day for two decades. This thought is from St. Francis de Sales:
Do not look with fear
On the changes and chances of this life
Do not anticipate what will happen tomorrow

Be at peace, then, and put aside all anx­ious thoughts
And imaginations.

Today’s photo is of a magnificent magnolia in our arboretum….up very close.


  1. This advise seems very sound, Duff. Anticipation often causes more fear, worry, and uncertainty than is necessary. You're lucky to have these teaching to hold in mind each day. I've been thinking of my dying friend who is lingering. She lives far from me, on the east coast. Her daughter keeps me informed. Today, as I was skiing through the forest by myself, I felt she was very close to death. I immediately became aware of my breathing and sent thoughts to her with each inhale and exhale. I wonder about unfinished business, and why she isn't able to leave this life. I tried to release my own feelings of sadness and to send her thoughts of love. I tried to be at peace; I hope that she has found peace also.

    1. I can imagine you on your skis going quietly through the forest as you hold your friend's passing near and your literal inspiration and expiration going out to her. My thoughts go out to you and this time for your sadness and grieving. I have exceeding gratitude for the gift of other's wisdom that I have been given again and again through my life. It is a great comfort to me. I, too, wonder about unfinished business and pray that when I come to that stage that I will not hold on, nor regret.
