Sunday, January 22, 2012

Small stone: January 22, 2012

Blustery day, gray skies.
Suddenly, a clutch of singing robins
swoop down from a huge, messy magnolia.
Our migratory friends make winter greener.

Robins standing guard while a colleague feeds.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Small stone: January 21, 2012

Simple awareness: I am blessed─
to be in a place where so many are welcome,
to hear voices I understand speaking languages that I don’t,
to know that we all have the same need to know─
even the most mundane: don’t touch wet paint.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Small stones: January 20, 2012

Red, crisp, fresh from the root cellar.
Picked just outside and stored for winter,
Simply to be a perfect treat.
Cut just so and arranged on her favorite plate.

Ah, grandmothers. How they care for us.

Reality: organic from the locavore food store,
chilled in a California brushed-stainless steel Amana.
But, at this moment, she is here.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Small stones: January 19, 2012

The earth and the trees are sighing.
Gentle, gentle rain,
the first in many weeks.
Hope for verdant Spring,
at last.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Small stone: January 18, 2012

says this lichen is brilliant yellow,
not dull green,
so that it can survive in bright light.
What a nourishing thought
on this gray day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Small stone: January 17, 2012

Winter, late afternoon.
His slow steps,
almost a shuffle,
walking stick tapping.
Park benches empty.
Remembering summer?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Small stone: January 16, 2012

At the end of a wintry day,
a common miracle:
late afternoon light
embracing one windblown leaf.
Tomorrow may bring rain.