Thursday, February 26, 2015

a meander in Spring

Winter doldrums, a bout with the flu and a few busy days have dominated this month. Even the inspiration to write or photograph has been very limited and almost non-existent. Yesterday, as I strolled the neighborhood for some exercise, I stopped by a community garden a few blocks from my house to check on the season. Lots of beautiful winter kinds of food stuffs…chard and broccoli and a hint of spring in the blossom of the cherry tree at the edge of the garden. As I sort of half-heartedly meandered through the plots, an amazing little row of bright blossoms said essentially, “snap out of it”. Nice to be jolted into the reality of a glorious change of seasons.


  1. Duff, I was hoping your weren't ill - you've been silent a long time. Glad those blossoms called out to you! We have snow and more snow - of course, we play in it, so we aren't complaining (yet...).

    1. The last year was a bit of slog here and winter seemed to reinforce it....but, time to break out into spring and the joy of the new year. I am doing a poetry workshop this weekend and that will prompt both writing and hopefully the inspiration to take some photos. I have missed blogging, too. Time for change. Simply love your snow....even in the Sierra we don't have much this year.

  2. Duff...I'm glad to see you're back. Nothing like the emerging springtime to snap us out of the doldrums. I just got over being sick too, so I can relate to that halfheartedness about things.Your flowers are beautiful and uplifting.

    1. sorry that you have been ill, too. I love walking on the desert with you in your poems/blog. Spring is uplifting, but also I feel so blessed to have made "blog friends" since the days of our posting on Small Stones...a little community that we would never have had without it. Glad you are over your sickness and let's all move into the joy of Spring.
