Tuesday, March 10, 2015

wind in the grass

Creative Commons License
wind in the grass

I am hungry.

I want to look.

              To look somewhere

in summer grasses


to the next ridge

to the long coast ─

                             breakers surging

              then falling back

whole again

to a place

where need

or lust

yes, hunger

demands my presence.

I will occasionally post some recent poems here. Please respect the Creative Commons attribution.


  1. loved the grasses and the poem - a nice ease to it. I could feel the breeze going through - and wished you could have a greater sense of this ease these last few days…! I'm glad you're still stoning, it's a good change of mood!

  2. I sense an urgency in your poem, Duff - a need for mindfulness to bring you back to yourself. Glad you're sharing your work. The grasses speak of summer though I can't see what's beyond them. Perhaps that's the point?
