Monday, January 13, 2014

Small Stone: January 13, 2014

How do we define creativity? I have been observing the work of this assemblage artist at the San Francisco Center for the Book gallery over the past few weeks. I am amazed at how she has taken so many elements to make her artistic statement. Otto Octavius combines a lot of elements from an antique lens device to a 50’s set of rabbit ears. All the little tubes filled with objects are obviously part of the statement. I want to appreciate her work. Yet, I simply don’t get it. I guess I just need a little help here.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Small Stone: January 12, 2014

A blissful Sunday morning. The clouds lifted from our all-to-brief weather front yesterday and the sun was shining. I spent a few minutes just checking how the potted plants in my garden were doing….well, I pretty much do that all the time. Today, however, was special. The dampness in the night left dew-drop jewels all over some of the plants. A gift.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Small Stone: January 11, 2014

At last, we had a very light rain. After weeks of nothing but dry, warm weather we finally had just a little rain. The air is clearer, the sidewalks a bit cleaner and there were even a few puddles. The smiles of the passersby were worth getting a little wet. In fact, it was joyful. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Small Stone: January 10, 2014

Today I received a real lesson in communication and communicating. I was on a cross-town MUNI bus. Two young men got on the bus at different stops. They did not seem to know one another. One sat in front of me, the other across the aisle from me. Both had ear buds attached to their iPhones. My assumption was that they were tuned out of the bus environment. 

The man in front of me began to move with the music, clicking his fingers, head from side to side in time with what he was hearing. The young man across the aisle tapped him on the shoulder and identified the song and the group! There was a fist bump of recognition and they had communicated. Only the rest of us were left out. My iPhone was firmly in my pocket and no ear buds attached! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Small Stone: January 9, 2014

Reflecting is a January pastime for many of us ─ the year that is past and how we envision the year ahead. Almost unconsciously, I have been looking at reflections in windows, the bay and even in my own mirror. Walking along a nearby street, I saw this incredibly clean and polished motorcycle and realized that what we cherish is so often a reflection of who we are…I think I know a bit about the owner of this spotless machine. I have no idea who he/she is, except the pride in this particular possession is definitely a reflection.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Small Stone: January 8, 2014

Watching this beautiful piece of seaweed drifting in San Francisco Bay was a moment of serenity this morning. Gray skies added to the sense of closeness and modified the colors of the water and plant. Nothing sad, it was not about being detached or floating helplessly. Simply an appreciation of beauty and the peaceful feeling of that moment.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Small Stone: January 7, 2014

It is clean up time here for the Christmas trees. Every street corner seems to be a resting place for fading holiday greens.  I had not thought of the terror that will befall humans for disregarding the nature of pines…”you humans will soon meet the same fate”. These signs are attached to trees up and down the streets of my neighborhood. It will be difficult to sleep tonight, post-consumption ritual.