Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Small Stone: January 8, 2013

Out with the old,
though so recently new.
I made no resolution
to make such change.
Today: seems inevitable.


  1. I did not make that resolution either, Duff. Also, I didn't have a tree. I do like this photo with the yellow leaves for contrast.

  2. I suppose I don't follow "out with the old, in with the new" either when it comes to new year's resolutions unless faced with the the reality that some things really do need to go, like Christmas trees past their prime, milk past its expiration date, and bad relationships...I think this will be my small stone for today. Thank you for the inspiration Duff :)

  3. Loved Cynthia's stone Heeding Expiration Dates, she mentions you so I wandered over. So nice to see where inspiration comes in. We had no tree to take down this year. We were away for all of December. It was oddly freeing and sad at the same time.

    Nice to meet you.

    1. Thanks, Teri. Love your comments on Cynthia's blog. Good to cyber-meet you and glad to have you visit any time! :-)
