Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Small Stone: January 14, 2014

It must be spring. Flowers explode in brilliant colors at stalls along the street. The sun shines so bright that it must not be winter. People lounge in the park on blankets and munch afternoon picnic treats. Except, it is not really spring. Mother Nature is playing a trick with a high pressure ridge all along the west coast. When, oh when, will she tire of this game and let it rain?


  1. The flowers are a feast for my eyes! It's not spring here, Duff. I rode the lift today with a young couple who ski at Tahoe - no snow there so they came to Breckenridge. Lounging in a park does sound good to me when the wind is howling!

    1. A friend in Tahoe sent me a photo of her house and it could be in the desert! We are in for a bad year here with the drought. But, those howling winds could be a problem, too. Glad you were able to get out and ski, though.

    2. Your flowers and sunshine are still a bright spot in my day. It seems like mother nature has been playing many tricks on us lately. I do hope you get some rain.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, I couldn't seem to get the grammar right in the first post. What I wanted to say is that I am so glad you both enjoyed the beautiful flowers. The sidewalk flower vendors here in my neighborhood do a wonderful service to all of us....even if we don't buy.
