Thursday, January 2, 2014

Small Stone: January 2, 2014

Living in the city offers an amazing number of things to be involved in….advocate for raw foods, learn to make money writing, trim the fat at Overeaters Anonymous, volunteer with families in distress, have your energy levels moved around through Reiki, protest circumcision, support low wage workers in the fast food industry, or if it is all simply too much…affordable psychotherapy. And, all of this is available at my neighborhood Laundromat. Lots of choices to start the new year.


  1. Ah,what a rich life you can live, - right in your own block! such a lucky fellow!

    1. Not sure I am up to taking advantage of all these opportunities, though. ;-)

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm laughing - I love this. You took a moment and made it more.

    1. It makes me happy that you had a laugh from this, too. I wonder who the people posting these things think use this laundry? Most be quite a diverse group of clean folks in my neighborhood.

  3. My goodness, have times changed since when I first started using laundromats, or it could be that what gets posted depends on our locale. Your post has made me reminisce and gave me good chuckles.

    1. I have been in San Francisco so many years that I remember when some of these postings would have been for rock concerts or protests against the Viet Nam war. Glad you got a chuckle out of it, too.
