Sunday, January 19, 2014

Small Stone: January 19, 2014

I simply chose a cloud picture from my files for today. To document the interaction with a photo would have been invasive, or beside the point.

As I walked along the edge of the park this afternoon, two very young gay men were walking ahead of me. They were obviously enjoying being together and one reached for the other’s hand ─ such a common show of affection. There was a moment of embarrassed hesitation. What was so clear is how both did not know if it was ok to for two men to make an innocuous public statement. It was disconcerting and painful to see. I have thought for some hours now about how we are socialized to withhold the expression of even the most basic and loving gestures. And, how standards of disapproval and rejection sometimes underlie fulfillment in human interaction.


  1. Another blogger recently wrote about PDA's (public displays of affection), and I thought about my own upbringing which affects my feelings and inclinations in that area. I often link arms with my female friends, and I doubt anyone thinks twice about it (perhaps if they do, they think my younger friends are holding me up!). Also, my husband and my male friends and I think nothing of holding hands or throwing arms around shoulders. Sometimes our judgements are more critical if we perceive overt sexual intent, whether real or imagined. Hand holding seems so innocent somehow, no matter what the sex of the couple. I feel sad for people who lack simple, loving touch. I see you're observing strangers, too, and creating stories, Duff.

  2. yes, the cloud picture - good connection!
    you're getting good at this- don't be in too much of hurry to quit!

  3. I like your choice of photos for this piece. Your thought-provoking words are all that are really needed.
